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Check Search Engine Listings with Log Files

Log files are a great tool to help check search engine listings. By analyzing certain aspects of log files, you can efficiently gain an overall picture of a website’s search engine presence.

For example, suppose a searcher conducted a default search in Google for check listings philosophy. At the time of writing this article, GotSEP happens to be on the third page of the Google results. If a searcher clicks on the GotSEP listing, then some very useful data is recorded into our log files. From this particular entry, we would be able to determine, among other things, that our home page is ranked between 21 and 30 in Google for check listings philosophy.

It is all rather simple: the searchers generate the queries, the search engines determine the ranking, and all we do is run some code to analyze the results in the log files. Essentially, every searcher who arrives at GotSEP from a search engine is helping us to check search engine listings. Without even knowing it, they are building us a map of our search engine presence.

Understanding your Internet presence is an integral part of maximizing traffic using log files for keyword analysis.


Mon October 21, 2024

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